Pipeline source code and environment

Checkout codebases from Github

Install required perl packages

Use system perl or install specific perl version using perlbrew. Check for required perl modules after installation using the following command

  perl -e 'use DBI;use DBD::mysql;use DBD::SQLite;IPC::Run;'  

Install the missing packages using cpan (for system perl) or cpanm (for perlbrew) if they are not already present.

  cpan install DBI
  cpan install DBD::mysql
  cpan install DBD::SQLite
  cpan install IPC::Run

Install required python packages

Setup environment using conda

Test conda environment

Activate the conda environment using the following command

  source activate pipeline-env  

Deactivate conda env

  source deactivate  

Create environment configuration file for pipeline

Create a new file, e.g. env.sh and

Then activate environment for pipeline using source env.sh command.